A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Soft launch

The treehouse is still not quite finished....I am assured it will be totally, completely utterly done (and the cement mixer will have left our garden) by the end of this week. But it is really, nearly done so today we had a soft launch with our neighbours. A new garden, a very, nearly finished treehouse, Wii, roast beef lunch, red wine, Yorkshire puddings and lemon drizzle cake make for a very fine afternoon.

Early morning, Carlos returned home, I went for a run and the kids did most of their homework. It bears repeating but I love Sundays,

Lesley x

Edit - changed photo because I love this one of the river taken on my morning run. I still find running so hard and unnatural but when I get to the river it always gives me a lift. This morning it was particularly lovely. Though I do suspect the best thing about running will always be the feeling of satisfaction afterwards.

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