A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

And rest

Don't know why the picture is grainy but it's all that's happening picture wise today.

The early part of the day was mainly spent being Mom's Taxis:
Dancing drop off
Football drop off
Garage - turns out our car does occasionally need petrol
Dancing pick up
Party drop off
Party pick up - A
Party pick up - J
Shift ended about 3.30pm as J got picked up for his final party of the day - he's still there now, watching The Hunger Games and going out for a burger. I'm sure he's not a teenager yet.

Meanwhile Anna and I had a small outing to buy a Christmas tree, a bird feeder and nuts for the garden and even an opportunistic Christmas present. Then home for pizza and a film* in front of the fire.

Flying solo has been a little full-on but a lot of fun. And now I am being called to dance to Christmas songs. (Don't tell Carl he might not come back!)

Lesley x

*Ella Enchanted - much better and funnier than I had feared which doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement but I really rather enjoyed it.

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