Hot desk aficionado

It's funny how working from home is less enjoyable these days. I used to love it (pre baby) but now I find it claustrophobic as I have been in the house so much these past eighteen months. When Audrey's at nursery, I can't wait to get out and avoid all the toys cluttering the hallway and piles of washing everywhere.

I've become quite a hot desk aficionado this past year, working efficiently from all manner of places - a design agency, a bowling alley, not to mention countless cafes across Manchester. Last month, my friend Lisa took me to a private member's club at Media City and subsequently helped me join; so I suspect that this might become my new haunt (weather and travel plans permitting!)

It was my first day there today and it was great. Got lots done, drank posh coffees and even walked past the studios for The Voice on my way home.

Picked Audrey up from nursery. She'd done brilliantly there today, sleeping for an hour and keeping the nursery nurses on their toes by taking a bath with a water jug (complete change of clothes required). They find her so comical. She has started to copy the way they put the other children to bed using a teddy and a blanket. She's been doing at home for a few days but we had no idea what it was. She'd wrap a teddy in a tea towel and start patting it. Turns out this is what the nurses do when they pat the babies to sleep. Audrey has obviously decided she wants to be a nursery nurse! Just adorable!!

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