Toddler Bootcamp

A whole day with Audrey today and had forgotten how exhausting it can be! She's a veritable bundle of energy and literally doesn't stop, ever.

She's played hard inside and outside (thank goodness for mild weather and parks!) and was dropping to the floor with exhaustion come 5.30pm, it was a battle to keep her going until bedtime.

So proud of her eating today as well, a jacket potato and beans for lunch. Nursery has helped so much with her eating, for that I am grateful. Took this blip of her tucking into a satsuma whilst standing in her high chair!

I've noticed that I haven't been putting on as much weight myself lately (I yo-yo half a stone on a monthly basis), yet have still been eating out, having dessert and indulging in the odd cake in the afternoon to get me through the day. I shrugged it off as a bit of good luck but today the penny dropped. Audrey is keeping me fit. I literally never sit down, I spend all day running after her or lifting her up or walking with the buggy. It's the Toddler bootcamp diet. I totally recommend it! Right, am off for a large helping of dinner and dessert.....

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