Next Rental

Friend bought a house just round the roads from us, and now I'm clear of my immediate issues at the other houses I'm lending a hand here. He has 1 week to make this house rent ready.

Thankfully the previous owner tore out nearly everything that needed tearing out so it's a case of putting everything back together. We think the original plan was to make the living room, dining room and kitchen open plan, something we've continued with because we can't be arsed to put walls back up.

The kitchen is all new apart from the end counter, and by the end of tomorrow we'll have an up and running kitchen. We should have a centre bar in the kitchen to the right of this photograph.

Another "feature" of the house is it's own chapel. It's a den that been built behind the kitchen and is literally the shape of a chapel. The junkie who owned it wasn't religious as far as we know though. I'll probably post a photo of the chapel once it's completed.

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