18 Months Later

We bought this property some 18 months ago, nearly had it finished, had tenants for a couple of months, and for many reasons this house got pushed back for proper finishing. It's needed a few stupid little things doing before it went on rental and strangely enough before we've even got it rented, someone is interested in it!

We're advertising a couple of other properties, and just happened to show this "unfinished" one, and hey presto, they're interested.

So I've spent the last couple of days avoiding doing any work. After Stelvio I am just so unmotivated to do anything. Not that I'm not getting anything done, it's just a monumental struggle to get any traction.

But this afternoon I maybe turned a corner - I found ammo at Walmart - and boy did I buy lots of ammo. Cheered me up no end.

For anyone who doesn't know, there is a massive shortage of ammunition in the US right now. Before I left for Italy it was practically impossible to find ammo. Walmart had cabinets with nothing in them for months on end - and usually they are stuffed full of anything in any calibre you want.

But since I've got back it's a bit better. Whatever stock they got before the summer was sold before 9am. Now they have it till midday.

Today I saw maybe 15 packs of 50 * 9mm Federal FMJs in stock - so I bought the maximum of 3 boxes that they allow. Then I sent a friend in to buy 3 more for me, then I sent in our clearing/cleaning lady in, who then sent in one of her lackies.

So by the time I finished I had managed to acquire 600 rounds! Added to the stuff I already have and I nearly have half the amount I want in stock.

And that rather motivated me to get back onsite and get some of these jobs done to finish this house. For instance, put the surround round this wall airconditioner.

Air conditioners in Florida are a little different to the ones in Europe - these aircon units are powerful enough to render your fridge useless - they properly cool. This 'small' unit cools a 3 bedroom house.

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