
Got an email last night from one of the companies we occasionally buy stuff from saying they had some windows just come into stock so decided that today we should pop in and have a look.

The store is quite interesting, it's an old warehouse that's been made into a store and sells off surplus inventory from new builds (houses). If a contractor bought too many windows, he sends the excess (windows, doors, cabinets, baths, showers, etc) to the store, the store charges 12% handling, and usually there is a significant discount to be had. Usually. Sometimes the discount isn't as good as it seems so you have to be careful.

But recently the store has been somewhat lacking, only really having the windows and doors that have odd measurements. Until the latest shipment yesterday.

Now we need some windows for the new house, can't afford the monsters we really want to buy, but we do need to get the old 1930 windows out of the house though. And these new windows are half the price of what HomeDepot/Lowes would charge normally (despite being the windows you'd actually buy in HomeDepot).

In a couple of years, we'll be able to buy the windows we really want, pop these guys out, pop new ones in and job done. It will literally be a 10 minute job per window. However, these windows will allow us to frame out the window openings perfectly and then install them (making 2014 windows compatible with holes made in 1930 will take a bit of framing work).

Ended up buying 5 windows, so quite pleased really.

And just love driving our truck as well. Never get bored driving an F250 despite only ever making slowish progress everywhere. Just loving the engine in it, 6.4V8 Twin Turbo diesel. Love it.

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