Now we have everything

By Gembop


Bit of a blurry shot but the slightly evil grin made me smile. He's been wrinkling his nose the last couple of days and it makes him look devilish!

We headed over to the local soft play today. Now Charlie is on the move it's such a nice relief to put him into a padded play area and know that he can climb up whatever he wants and not hurt himself!

Little Dinosaurs is right in the middle of Ally Pally park and it is lovely. It's perfect for his age. Unfortunately there were a few childminders with older kids who were more interested in their phones than ensuring their 3 year olds don't come charging into the baby area. No repeat of Fingergate, but it does worry me about what some childminders get up to!

The moment I put Charlie in there he was off making friends. Oscar and Stanley joined us too plus the twins Leo and Rosie from Tiny Tunes. We spent a good couple of hours in there and Charlie was conked out again on the way home.

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