Now we have everything

By Gembop

What's that coming over the hill...

Chose a nice, bordering-on-inappropriate image for my Blip today. Taking this bath has been the best thing about my day, especially as Bump is kicking like crazy.

Today was the kind of Monday the Boomtown Rats sang about. It was full of 'good problems to have' (work-wise) with lots of new briefs from clients etc but it's a headache to sort when they all come at once and want quick turnaounds in a week where I already lose 1.5 days to workshops. This is the stress I know I'll be missing/ craving this time next year.

I was also too busy to dash up to St. Paul's earlier to see the Olympic closing parade. I couldn't miss the sound of the Red Arrows doing their fly-by over the Barbican and Goswell Road though- I was genuinely concerned for a second there when the building was shaking!

As for right now, I've just started counting down the weeks until my maternity leave: 13 weeks to go! Eep.

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