Now we have everything

By Gembop

Chilling with the boys

Emily hosted Baby Wonder Weeks today and Anna, Anna, Kelly and the babies were all there when we arrived. I was hoping Charlie would nap on the walk over but he was having none of it. He'd only had 20 minutes sleep all day so was massively overdue some shut-eye. I'd tried to get him to take his morning nap in his cot rather than on our bed (as he can crawl off now) and despite dropping off fine, he woke up as soon as he realised where he was!

Still, he was in a perfectly happy mood at Emily's. she's had a room rejig and had lots of space for everyone to play. Oscar has a huge amount of books so we read quite a few. Us mums are also embracing sing time! I took this picture just before Anna and Kelly broke out with'Pop Goes the Weasel'. It's such a catchy tune I was still singing it hours later.

The boys started all getting fussy at around 40' so Emily put some Joni Mitchell on and it worked a treat. It reminds me that I really should play more music to Charlie. He just gets stuck with my singing all the time. But You Are Ny Sunshine and Wind the Bobbin Up never fail to get a smile so if it ain't broke etc etc!

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