Now we have everything

By Gembop

Just the three of us

A family picture at last! Taken by a naturally talented photographer, my bestie.

I had a bit of an old school start to the day as my phone died last night and we forgot the charger. I felt like my arm had been cut off! I never realised how much I used it before. I went to check the weather forecast. Erm nope. I went to get Carrie's number. Erm nope. I'd forgot to write it down when I saw the battery was getting low. Thankfully Carrie and I had made plans last night to meet at a local park for 11am. But I soon realised after I saw a road closure sign on the way that I didn't know where the park actually was. Check Google Maps? Erm nope. We had to stop and ask someone. Whoops! When the Mills family weren't there when we arrived and walked round I had a panic thinking I'd got the park wrong but thankfully we spotted them. What did I do before I was 15 and got my first phone??

That aside we had a truly lovely day. Charlie devoured the sandwiches in the picnic Mark and Carrie had provided and tried raisins for the first time. It was really scummy. All the babies were so well behaved. Caleb just wanted to play with his 'ball!' And Erin was desperate to go on the park playground but was so patient waiting for us all to pack up.

Charlie loved the swings as usual! The weather was so nice too. I'd left my camera at home (probably next to the iPhone charger) but Carrie got some great snaps. After a walk round the shops and a quick coffee stop we were sad to leave. It's rubbish being so far away!

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