Now we have everything

By Gembop

Howdy Cowboy!

I love this picture. It reminds me of something you would've had taken at American Adventure when we were kids.

No, we didn't jet off to Arizona overnight, we only had to venture 4 hours up north to visit the Wild West: Cawood, Yorkshire to be precise. We drove up this morning to celebrate the 1st birthday of George Wilkinson, our friend's Hannah and Milky's little boy. We were only up this way a few weeks ago to see them but couldn't miss this hoedown!

They had gone to town with the decorations. There were Wanted signs everywhere with pictures of George, we all sat on hay bales, they had a stables complete with horse (as seen in pic), a jail, a signpost pointing the way to the nearest corral and pretty much everything that we ate from had cowboys on it. It was lovely.

Charlie chowed down on lots of food, including banana and avocado sandwiches which I must make for him when we're back home. Hannah had also borrowed a load of instruments and a giant parachute from a play group so we had songs and parachute fun. I like when people make the parties about the kids themselves. George was his usual chilled self about it all and Charlie was LOVING it. He especially enjoyed being under the parachute - it was his first experience of it of one.

I had so many options for today's blip picture. Charlie just looked so gorgeous in his get-up. The shirt was actually a present from Abby, given to him when he was born. It now fits him perfectly. I'm actually quite sad I took today's picture and wasn't actually in it. We need more family pictures.

Charlie started getting tired at around 4:30pm so we said our goodbyes and got back on the motorway. To break up the journey we decided not to head straight back to London. Instead we went back to mum and dad's. They're on holiday now so we have the place to ourselves. Charlie has loved having so much space to crawl around in. He was shattered by the time he went down tonight. I put him in the travel cot and stayed to watch him drop off to sleep. He scratched his finger nails down the sides of the cot for a while then quite happily rolled over and slept. I could watch him sleep all day.

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