
Well another stunning day weather wise today we had a scheduled bus tour around the lower loop and when we stopped at a sight with some geothermal features I snapped this shot of these trees that had died either by fire or by the minerals that are so acidic surrrounding the trees on another cloud free day the sights we are seeing are amazing as you see steam coming from the ground all over the place no wonder Yellowstone is a giant Caldera waiting to blow thankfully it did not blow today we could see planes and helicopters dealing with a forest fire outwith the boundarys of the National Park dropping water from the planes and helicopters so fingers crossed it does not end up like Yosemite which is burning badly anyhow movie for the day is " Deadwood '76 1965" looks good LARGE Oh and a happy birthday to my oldest daughter Rebecca xx who is 19 today although a sad day as well as her identical twin sister Sarah passed away on this day 19 years ago as well Love you both and miss you terribly Sarah xx See Ya

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