Great Fountain Geyser

Well after our1608mile rail journey from Chicago to Salt Lake City it was a quick 6 hours in our hotel before picking up the rental car to drive the 320 miles to Yellowstone National Park and our base for the next 3 1/2 days there so as we drove up I took over just before leaving Utah and within an hour and a half I had driven into the states of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming so took all ther glory from Sandra heehee infact when I googled Yellowstone to our second house in Fort Macleod in Alberta, Canada it was only just over a 7 hour drive so not to far away but we were not diverting away from our plans anyhow we checked in to the hotel and made the 1 mile drive to enter Yellowstone National Park and our pass was valid for a week at a cost of $25.00 so very good value indeed anyhow we headed down the lower loop road and visited Firehole Falls along with the fountain pain pot mudholes plopping away like someone with bad wind anyhow we waited after chatting with some folks as to when they expexted this geyser to blow and they said not to long so we kept our eyes peeled on the pool filling with water before it went quiet for a bit before it finally blew and here you have the Great Fountain Geyser in all it's glory on yet another scorching day we have been blessed with great weather on our trip so far and long may it continue movie for the day is "The Fountain 2006" best viewed LARGE See Ya

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