youngies journey

By youngie66

Mixed Emotions

Well it's a day of mixed emotions today happy that my oldest daughter Rebecca is celebrating her 18th birthday today and sad that her identical twin sister Sarah sadly passed away on the day of her birth 18 years ago so it's a roller coaster of emotions thinking back to that day as Rebecca had to fight for her life back then we were told a few days after she was born that she may never walk or talk well she can gab for Scotland now and at eleven years of age she took a massive Asthma attack and found herself fighting for her life again being put into an induced coma for two weeks to allow her lungs to recover again at that time we were told that if they could not get her condition stabilised within the first six hours it was looking grim but she fought her way back to full health yet again and I will be seeing her tomorrow and promised me a blip of her as regarding Sarah well that was tough on Mrs Young no 1 and myself as its something you would not wish on anyone but now looking back on it I feel that your life is mapped out for you as the plan was if both girls were fine there was not going to be anymore but then whether it's fate or not we went on to have Samuel and Hannah I still miss the fact Sarah is not here but take great comfort in the fact I would know what she would have looked like today more or less not personality wise and comfort in knowing she didn't suffer I still feel blessed as some people long for kids but are unable too that although we suffered a loss we are still very lucky indeed so it has been a up and down day today but when I see Rebecca tomorrow I will blip this fighter of a young woman who has fought for her life twice and won here battles and is about to embark on her university career at Aberdeen University in a couple of weeks after beating the odds on two occasions,but my blip for today was at Sarah's graveside which she was buried next to her great gran Peggy who only passed a couple of months prior to Sarah's passing so this is my blip for the day. And a Happy 18th Birthday to Rebecca I just hope she is in a fit state tommorrow :-)

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