
A walkabout this morning provided me with this blip of a rather stylish kilted gentleman, who seemed to have dressed to match the purple hoarding of the Fringe UnderBelly being dismantled in Bristo Square.

He was wearing a rather striking tartan which may be that of the Culloden District (ancient colours), but I am open to correction.

He also seemed to be wearing ladies' black nylon tights under his socks, which I imagine is rather a good way of stopping the wind whistling round his very own underbelly should he be going commando.

In other matters, I have been procrastinating in today's chore of cleaning bike no2, brought up yesterday in a rather dusty unloved state from the garage, by doing a spot of dusting and vacuuming in the house; I think this says a lot about the enthusiasm I have of getting my hands dirty and oily.
But with the shower of rain passed and the sun shining, I can delay no longer.

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