Shore comes to City

The last slice of His Lordship's birthday cake reserved for JoppaStrand who so kindly waved us off from Fisherrow last Sunday with his giant Saltire, was scoffed last night by HL because he was worried it was over its sell by date - that was his excuse anyway.

To make up for it, we invited him and Tiggy for coffee in our local bookshop this morning to make up for the loss of expectation.
Despite the fact that no cakes were in fact eaten, we had a most enjoyable blip get together, with time flying past as we exchanged news and views.

It seemed no time before they left and His Lordship departed to take his daughter out for a post birthday lunch.

Lest you feel just the teensiest bit sorry for me left at home with a dry crust, I should tell you that it was my idea for them to be a deux.
There are times when a step-mother needs to step back and let the father daughter relationship flourish unfettered.

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