Same Old......

Edinburgh reclaimed.
With the Festival Fringe dismantled, and witnessing the death throes of the Festival proper, it was a delight to walk into town this morning.
Instead of having to negotiate strings of tourists strung out over the pavements, it was a joy to skip past the odd couple dragging their suitcases to the station.

If you are thinking that I'm sounding like a miserable old kill joy, you will be delighted to know that I got my comeuppance when I was using my Visa card for shopping and suddenly couldn't remember my pin no; 4 digits in a sequence I use daily and I got it wrong twice. Rather than get it wrong a third time and have my card locked, I paid by cash, feeling very stupid.

Perhaps it was the late night after the book group yesterday compounded by the sloe gin that addled my brain this morning. There seems to be a growing cult amongst our members to enhance any discussion with alcohol, and I have to say the sloe gin worked beautifully, given the lateness of the hour at which I rolled home.

With the boiler now fixed, we can be assured of a hot shower tomorrow morning. My cup runneth over.

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