A Sign of Things to Come?

Quite what was about to happen when this lorry drove up to the Tron centre and the long hose attached to the tank made for the entrance, I didn't wait to find out, although the slight pong wafting in the air gave a clue.

I was meeting up with Edinburgh daughter in town on the last day of her week's holiday, for a news catch up.
The throng of Festival visitors is thinning considerably and the billboards dismantled, but with the final Festival Concert and Fireworks on Sunday night, new crush barriers are being off loaded. There's never a dull moment here in the city.

In the next few weeks the students will return and take over the town with their youthful exuberance and joie de vivre. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to go back in time and be a new student again. If I did, I think I might do things differently. The experience of years has changed me.

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