I think this is thunbergia gregorii (clock vine), but I've mislayed the plant label. Anyway, it twines up between the climbing rose and the summer jasmine and is a welcome burst of colour against all those white flowers. Particularly on a day like this. The first day when I've actually felt a bit chilly in the evening.
An early start to the day when we realised there was a mosquito in the room. We've never felt the need to sleep under nets here (this is only the second time we've heard one at night inside) but both loathe being bitten so couldn't sleep. Mr B headed off to bother CarbBoy (who has a spare bed) but I just got up. Such an early start resulted in some early flagging and by about 9 I decided a little lie down on the sofa might be a good idea, with CarbBoy snuggled in watching telly... I only realised how tired I was when I figured out that my lack of ability to follow the plot of Spongebob wasn't due to language difficulties, but rather to taking nano-naps.
Finally the day could get properly underway, with more sorting and tidying upstairs and some weeding in the garden. The veg garden has all but disappeared under a haze of weeds - so it was definitely time to act. Two bucketloads out, and a couple of beds ready for new occupants. Since the beans seem to be having a second go at flowering, the autumn planting plan has had some radical revision. Hopefully the rain this evening will not send the remaining weeds into overdrive...
Despite all the jobs completed, it still felt like a relatively lazy Sunday. And despite a day building a new den with the neighbourhood gang, the kids still say they want to go to school tomorrow. (But in fact they have another week still. Strangely enough they scarpered off back to their den - which is too small for grown ups to get in - when I suggested that I give them some school work to do...)
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