Up and Down
A late night view of our staircase, as I wait for CarbBoy to finish brushing his teeth. Mr B normally does a story for him, but I think he's a bit over the 'novelty' of being home to put the kids to bed, so tonight I get a rare chance, though a bit late to read more than a page...
(Slightly later.)
Percy Jackson is rather exciting... I think I need to work on my voice of Kronos a bit more though. The problem with reading one book to CarbBoy (he prefers that we read the same book rather than each having one) is that you can miss the exciting bits, leading often to a quick bit of parental speed-reading while teeth are brushed to catch up. Though given the different voices and pronunciations (Mr B even says Demeter 'wrong') we might as well be reading different books.
Busy day. Up early (after a moderate night's sleep with lots of help from David Sedaris, earplugs and a thick pillow) and into the school office to catch up on the chaos. TallGirl was riding all day and CarbBoy had a play date involving football and swimming, so they were happy. Lots of long chats in French today for me to try and get me back into the swing of things.
With Mr B due to start painting the Chamber of Secrets tomorrow, this evening saw me evicting lots of dust and rubble from the room that May one day be called 'the upstairs spare room', but I doubt it. Dinner later brought an interesting discussion about what 'Hebrew' is. This led seamlessly, or so it appeared via a 3500 year history of the Levant, to "what's a Samaritan?" and then inevitably to some circular conversations about religious schools, separation of church and state and why TallGirl learned about Noah's Ark in her non-denominational school in Scotland, but CarbBoy never will in his Catholic school in France.
Later still, I passed the baton of pointlessly arguing with Mr B on to TallGirl, so while they argued about the spelling of organisation/organization, I had a little chat with CarbBoy about Yorkshire Puddings. I think this baton passing is going to free up a lot of valuable time.
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