Little Miss Messy

This morning I went to aqua gym while Scarlett had a nap, and then I took them out for lunch at an Italian restaurant at Brighton Marina. Scarlett had sweet potato mash followed by a yoghurt which she enjoyed, but as you can see it ended up all round her face lol!

After lunch we took Scarlett swimming - It's only the third time she's been and she loves it! She's got a big pink inflatable ring which is about twice the size of her, but she can sit in it and kick her legs in the water. The pool was quite quiet, so we had it to ourselves for most of the time which was great as we could spin her around and push her from one to the other of us.

When we got home Rach & I took her out for a walk to the beach with Louis, but it's really hot and humid now, and it's not pleasant as there's no air. There's also been an outbreak of flying ants, and they were swarming round us and were in our hair and on our arms, so now we're sat indoors trying to avoid them. There's a storm forecast tonight though, so hopefully that'll clear the air and the ants!

Anyway, it's the start of the bank holiday weekend in the UK, so I hope you all have a good one, whatever the weather!

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