Happy Days

We woke up to a lot of rain this morning, but luckily by lunch time it was really warm and sunny, in time for the arrival of Rachel, Scott and Scarlett.

They had a good journey with hardly any delays and arrived about 3pm. Considering they'd had a long journey Scarlett was great spirits and of course Nannie had got lots of presents waiting for her - one of which was this little dolly called Emily. She has lots of little rattles attached to her and a crinkly dress and shoes, so she makes lots of different noises, and as soon as Scarlett saw her, she started chuckling and ended up in fits of giggles. Rach said it's the first time she's laughed like this, and luckily I managed to capture the moment.

I also bought her a bouncer that hangs from the door frame, and she learnt how to use it very quickly and was giggling while she was bouncing. I took some lovely photos of her in that, but today's blip had to be of my two girls in the midst of laughter.

We've had a lovely afternoon and now it's time for Scarlett's bath so I'll go and prepare the dinner, ready for when she's gone to bed and we'll hopefully be able to eat outside.

Have a nice evening and I'll catch up with you as and when I can.

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