
By hazelh

Miniature garden

Someone has created a lovely miniature garden atop the book box on Scotland Street. I blipped it on the way back from the gym this morning.

This afternoon I really wanted to garden. If I had any free time, though, I would have worked on my journal article. Instead I ended up on admin then cooking. I made Borlotti minestrone for supper, and brewed up a vat of green soup from various distressed vegetables that I found lingering at the bottom of the fridge.

Mr hazelh didn't manage to sort out Jack's computer problems remotely last night. In desperation, this morning he drove over to Jack's house to collect the machine and bring it back to our flat for his attention. The advantage of dealing with it here is that Mr hazelh can set off processes and then get on with other things while waiting for the machine to respond (rather than sit around at Jack's house with nothing to do but wait). It seems that the issues from yesterday may now be resolved. We'll see...

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; aquafit class; swim (20 lengths); strength training class; walking (11,748 steps).

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