michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Fitness Star

Perry the peli is doing his reps...
on the pole as he welcomes the sun.
After doing 3 more sets,
he thinks he'll go for a run.

Perry the peli workin the quads,
he really is quite fit.
My favorite part of the picture?
I'll say it's the beak and the spit.

Obviously, I made it out for another sunrise this morning. It was pleasant, with the temperature being about 65F, and the wind finally died down.

While Lisa went to swim class, I went to Hobby Lobby and Publix (groceries.) I still haven't been in the pool, and I'm not sure I will...but I do miss it.

Later, Cindy and Steve had Lisa and me and Mike and Cindy over for corned beef and cabbage. I always thought that I didn't like it, but it was good. Very tasty, although we'll see how it affects my c-bag. 

Perry told me to tell you...
that he's pushing the fitness bar.
And he also told me to tell you...
that he likes being the Blip post star.

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