Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A successful day

Today Abi and I went round to the cafe for our free coffees from last week. No pastries were eaten! We then had a walk along random streets, while I continuously pointed out to Abi how good Archie was now, just trotting along like a normal dog. She was impressed.

We ended up at the bridge over the canal, and walked back along to the Edinburgh Printmakers Building, which Abi had never been to. Dog friendly too! There seems to have just been an opening of the exhibition, as it was very busy.

We had a good look round, including peeking into the artists' vast workroom, and the cafe, and resolved to come back on another day for a coffee.

We walked up the road with the outrageous graffiti. I like it.  (7,453 steps)

I’ve been very busy with several admin jobs this week, and all successful! I spent AGES on the phone to Virgin Media about my annoying tv set up and remote that won’t pair, and so an engineer is coming tomorrow! 

Also, I recovered our booked tickets for the Verona Opera - I had booked them months ago, but had completely forgotten about them, and didn’t have a clue where they were. (JR complains about how careless I am about doing things, but she still lets me do them…)  Anyway, after quite a panic - Where were they? Where did I buy them? (There are several sites) Did I have an email confirming them? Don’t know. Haven’t a clue. And No.

Then JR said ‘Maybe you had password!’ YES!! 

I’m quite good at writing down passwords, so I found the correct booking website, and there were the magic words:

Login here: and… 
Download tickets here:


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