I survived the weekend! The weather, while wet, was nowhere near as bad as predicted, and trusty Bruno the Peugeot was rock-steady for the total of 250 kilometres, apart from a brief bit of aquaplaning on the autoroute on Sunday morning, when the rain was lashing. I picked the autoroute knowing it would not be busy, and no lorries are allowed on Sundays. Everyone else whizzed past me in clouds of spray as I pootled modestly along in the inside lane, but it was still quite stressful. In other news, S went out for the evening in the supposedly problematic car, and it was fine.
The weekend was a slog through the tricky programme, enlivened by having the pianist and two soloists (soprano and flute) with us. So it was the first time we'd sung any of the programme with the accompaniment, and it does make a difference. Not always in a good way, as Lili Boulanger proves, choosing to change the time signature every few bars and have the pianist play a different rhythm from the choir. Marie is a brilliant pianist. And both the soloists are excellent too.
Anyway, I took no photos over the weekend -- or rather I took a couple with the phone and for some reason the image quality was so bad that I would have been ashamed to blip them. Today should have been the Monday village walk, but everyone else backed out on the basis that the ground would be wet (true), and rain was forecast (false). I haven't been out for a walk for days, so I went on my own and avoided getting wet by the simple expedient of sticking to tarmac and gravel tracks, and trusting the blue sky and fluffy clouds. A more conventional vine view in extras.
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