
By BoydMcAdam


As we headed south to Morecambe the arrival time on the satnav kept getting pushed back despite making good time. We then got news that the M6 was closed. Fortunately we had enough notice to turn off before the blockage.

The detour took us on a trip just into the Yorkshire Dales and, in the sunshine, the views were spectacular. We enjoyed the trip down narrow roads either hedgerows on either side and eventually arrived at our destination an hour later than planned.

We are using Morecambe as our base for the next week or so as we visit family and friends. We are staying on the front. The view from the promenade opposite the flat was very tranquil in the late afternoon sunshine - see extra. This may well feature in future days but the light was great this evening.

Tomorrow, south again to Cheshire.

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