If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris )

THis morning I was watching the birds in the garden as I often do.  I noticed a movement in the grass at the foot of the Magnolia.  Ah Ah I thought a Wood Mouse, as I know we have them in the garden.  Eventually it broke cover, I was wrong it was a Wren.  It moved very quickly from there to dead ferns.  I could see movement and parts of it.  Finally it appeared and was off.  I got a blurred shot that I will put in extras.

While watching the Wren I noticed a Field far feeding on the windfall apples.  As we have seen very few winter Thrushes this year I took a few shots.  As the Wrenshot wasn't good I have used a Fieldfare.

In the afternoon we were again at the Lodge for Clickychick to take some before shots prior to work starting tomorrow.  I started to sow wildflower seeds in the "wildflower meadow" on the banks.

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