Oncidium Barrocco
Back in January Kanyl and I went to the Beetham Nurseries Orchid Day. I was tempted and bought an Oncidium a type of Orchid I have never tried before. I said I would blip it at some point. Well here it is. There are 34 open flowers on it and some still to open on one of the flower spikes.
A medical day! It started with my annual checkup, which should have happened in November. It seems they didn't call me owing to chaos during staff changes. Any way it seems I am in good condition. In the afternoon it was Clickychick's turn with check up at the hospital.
Excuse the rant. I consider it iniquitous enough to charge for parking in an area where the majority can't get there by public transport. However, when you spend as long trying to find somewhere to park as it took to drive the 20 miles to get there things are getting really silly. When we got to the clinic CC didn't have time to sit down before she was called.
Rant over.
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