
By hazelh

Repaired chairs

These are four of our kitchen chairs, newly repaired by members of the Leith Men's Shed. We collected them from Newhaven this afternoon. Now nobody need risk their limbs when taking a seat to eat at our kitchen table.

Mr hazelh and I didn't use any of these chairs this evening. Instead we were very comfortably seated up the road at L'escargot bleu for a belated celebration meal to mark Mr hazelh's recent birthday. He chose fish soup followed by plaice and monkfish for his meal; I worked my way through terrine and mussels. We both opted for chocolate nemesis for pudding. Meanwhile Jackie looked after Mummy hazelh back at the flat.

As usual for a Wednesday, I spent my morning at the gym.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; aquafit class; swim (20 lengths); strength training; walking (16,320 steps).  

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