A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Watch this space!

A very nice early walk but without the sun. On the return home it looked about to break through but over an hour later when we set off to get the bus to Bingley station there was still no sun.

We took the train into Leeds and made straight for M& S for a coffee (free) and a very tasty cheese scone! We also needed to collect some currency I’d ordered from there as they had an offer on till Monday and when we came out the sun was shining and the blue sky was back - jacket and even cardigan completely superfluous!

Heading up to Waterstone’s for a book I’d ordered we spotted this - I’d told Chris about Sgwarnog’s blip yesterday and he saw this first. If you can’t read it below the crane it says ‘ Yorkshire’s Tallest Building’, student accommodation apparently. Didn’t really know the location so we were a bit surprised to see it and it will be interesting to see how this space just beyond the city centre is filled.

The planned collections were just made around our main purpose of visiting Leeds and that was to look at laptops in John Lewis. As I only need it for photography purposes, Flickr, blurb Book smart, dropbox etc as I do everything else on my iPad I didn’t want anything high spec.
I got some good advice and found one that had £120 off so a purchase was made. They didn’t have it in stock so it will be delivered tomorrow, which is fine as it saved us carrying it home!
For a change we didn't have wait for a bus home when we got off the return train to Bingley, just got to the bus stop in time.

I just hope I can set the new laptop up ok when it arrives!

Thanks P for the heads up re the new building in Leeds.

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