A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Nearly there.

Whilst I have been away the pumpkin, whilst it’s not grown much, has completed it’s transformation to orange.

We’ll leave it until we’re ready to head to Bath again and take it with us so the girls can have it for Halloween. ( I believe they will keep for about a month)
I like this shot as you can see the autumn shades on the foliage of the Peony plants outside the greenhouse. 

The sun was a little slower getting going today but we’ve got another fabulous day.

I was really tired last night and went to bed early and had a late sleep this morning, I think I really needed it and felt much more energised this morning. Did some cleaning, washed the mats and got them out, finished the ironing and then did a bit of tidying in the garden as the sun was back with us by then. Making the most of this late summer sun.

A pleasant walk up the village soon for an early evening drink with friends.

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