A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


More accurately ‘Around the World in 50 Trees’. A jigsaw lent to me by my sister in law back in the summer. I did it before going down to Bath and the weather today is so atrocious that I’m using it for my blip.

It was a great jigsaw to do despite being portrait. Lots of detail and some quite tricky bits when it came to finishing off as it was predominantly leaves that were left to do. I’ve enjoyed it.

Back to Pilates today. Heavy rain first thing and then it appeared to brighten but it was still raining. It’s been like that all day and I haven’t seen any rainbows.

As usual my friend and I went to the garden centre for lunch. Hatties has reopened after a refurbish. As someone else said (Yeeeed?) you can’t really see any difference. The walls are now purple, there are more plastic plants around and the fireplace, TV screen and ceiling fans have gone. All but 4 of the tables alongside the wall to ceiling windows were out of use because of rain ingress. I’d assumed dealing with this problem would be a major part of the reason for a refurb! Also the hot cabinet is still not in use.

In the main shop area they were getting Christmas displays and goods out but here too were warning triangles about wet floors where the rain was also coming in. Oh dear, let’s hope it’s a dry autumn ahead.

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