Beauty Berry
We had yet another glorious day with a little breeze adding to the enjoyment. My knee feels almost normal - hallelujah! I walked all along our property. The beauty berry bushes are in full ”bloom” with their bright purple berries. I wonder which birds eat them as I haven’t seen any out there. While filling the feeders and suet holders, I decided to get rid of some spent bee balm and morning glory vines. Now we have a clear path in the front garden. Hubby helped me pull some goldenrod weed from the gazebo garden. He also trimmed around everything. I did a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen. It felt so good to be productive again. I could tell the knee had had enough activity so we rested. We’ll go to 5:00 Mass and I will make sides to go with chicken for dinner. Of course, I had to have one calamity. The cloth mats I used to remove my lunch nachos from the oven were not thick enough. I now have a white burned streak across my thumb. I am not sure how burn victims can stand the pain. I have held a frozen water bottle for several hours and am just able to set it down. What a Wendy Whiner. Be careful folks. Hope you enjoyed a beautiful day. Thanks for stopping by. "September! I never tire of turning it over in my mind. It has warmth, depth, and color. It glows like old amber." - PATIENCE STRONG
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