After The Rain And Before the Storm

We got our promised rain last night and we were awakened this morning with a brief thunderstorm. It has continued on and off all day but just sprinkles. I went out to photograph these three beauties in between showers. The first is a begonia that my sister stores in her cellar in the winter. She has three in all. The other two are a sampling of her hearty hibiscus. Hubby and I packed for tomorrow’s departure. After lunch, hubby and my sister helped our BIL add a lightening arrester to the new antenna system; I gladly accepted kitchen clean up. I will dust upstairs and clean our bathroom. Hubby will vacuum. We plan to relax the rest of the day/evening. It has been a very enjoyable down time. The temps are at record highs at home with no rain. I imagine gardens without the sprinkler will be ruined but that’s okay. The summer flowers were about finished anyway. As I type these last two sentences, the heavens have opened, the wind is blowing and we have ourselves quite a storm. My son and his wife’s family are scheduled to leave on a Bermuda birthday (his BILs) cruise on Sunday. Hurricane Lee is heading there around the same time. Yikes! Hoping your weather is not too uncomfortable. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “Around us, life bursts with miracles, a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, raindrops.” — Nhat Hanh

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