
By Groggster

Street Scenes 2

After feeling so glum yesterday I was determined to treat today as a new day and agreed to meet up with my mate M in Maidstone for a spot of lunch and a good old natter. He was actually made redundant earlier this year by the same employer that I was 4 years ago but he says he is actually quite enjoying his break from work and is no rush to look for a new job until he feels ready. Good on him. We had a lovely lunch at a French bistro chatting about how much we don't miss work, apart from the people, and comparing notes on currently being 'gentlemen of leisure'.
My brother had accompanied me into town and whilst I was meeting my friend he said he would try and get some street shots. We then met up later for a pint and I decided I would try and capture some more street scenes too.
My main shot was just all about trying to find as colourful scene as I could. The smiley strawberry face in the foreground is actually part of one the sculptures on The Shaun The Sheep trail through the town and I just liked it combined with the stripes of a shop window on the right hand side of the image but it needed something else which is when the lady in the picture appeared in her wonderfully patterned top and then started tying her head scarf. Bingo!
My first and second extras were taken outside the same location - a fast food joint currently being refurbished. For the first extra I was taking a shot of the of the shop front and its depictions of soon to be available burgers, ice creams and other enticements when the guy on the mobility scooter stooped to let me get my picture. I said that instead I would be happy to include him in my shot if he was amenable and he said o.k and proceeded to pose for me with a beaming smile!
My second extra isn't my favourite shot of the three but I've decided to include it purely because it looks like the fast food item on the fork is piercing the bag the girl is carrying over her shoulder. I was hoping when I looked back at the image later that she would also be wearing blue nail varnish to match the hand shown on the shop doorway but that was pushing my luck a bit too far! :-)

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