
By Grammy

Flower of a Yellow Squash

Guess my body now thinks 5:00 is wake up time. Hubby was up getting ready to go for another blood draw. His last tests showed very high glucose levels. I think it was just because he hadn’t fasted the last time. We’ll see. He repaired the camper’s pantry shelf that buckled on the way home. Hubby thinks it happened because of some bumpy country roads we traveled on yesterday. He also cleaned the camper grill. The house was pretty clean since we did so much after getting home yesterday. Our day should now be pretty restful. Skylar, Trevor and Mack went to visit my mother today. They are going back next Monday. Momma was thrilled with their visit. I had a leisurely breakfast on the front porch. The gardenias are still blooming so the fragrance was heavenly. There are hydrangeas, bee balm, daisies, black-eyed Susan’s, and my perennial hibiscus in bloom at the moment along with the flowers in pots. I had more squash plants than room in my raised bed. I put two yellow squash plants in my front flower garden just to see what might happen. There was a nice squash on the vine when I checked yesterday. I saw small ones as well. This bloom hints at more. The bees, butterflies and hummers love visiting the garden. The fact that it looks like a jungle is insignificant. I love it. Daily watering is the only reason any of the plants are still alive. We had another excessive heat advisory day. It’s 90°F with a heat index of 101°F. We are expecting a bad storm tonight with torrential rains. Maybe it will bring cooler temps. Hope your weather is more settled. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. "We might think we are nurturing our garden, but of course it's our garden that is really nurturing us." —JENNY UGLOW

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