
By Wildwood


We awoke to fog this morning, which was a blessing because it mitigates the inland heat with some ocean coolness. It didn’t last long but we were spared going out at 7am to beat the heat for good walk with Spike. We headed for Howarth Park at about 8:30 and found that the parking near the lake was already full. We weren’t the only ones with cabin fever taking advantage of a slight break in the heat wave.

We were walking behind the grandstand of a baseball field which was definitely not scenic. There were dumpsters and porta potties and a lot of trash. What was interesting was that on several buildings efforts had clearly been made to cover the random tags and meaningless squiggles of graffiti, but someone had clearly decided that this one was worth leaving. I have to agree.

We took a rocky trail between Lake Ralphine, and Spring Lake which tested our balance. Spike did better than either of us…the halt leading the blind….

We went to our favorite nursery in Petaluma and found the plants we want to replace the African Daisies we ripped out last week. They looked great for quite awhile but they don’t last forever. The whole level area in front of the house has suddenly become a work in progress….

A good conversation with Tim in the afternoon and now we’re off to Sunday supper at Dana and Jim’s.

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