
By Wildwood

The Silly Faces of Spike

Spike isn't clear on the concept that I'm not throwing his Kong because it is too damn hot! We went out onto the porch to prove it, but when I wouldn't throw the Kong he wondered why. I was actually out there to warm up a little as it is quite chilly in the house. (It didn't take long!) The thermostat says its 73, but I don't believe it.I 'd rather put on a sweater than mess with the thermostat right now as the outdoor thermometer said 101F the last time I looked. 

It's been very quiet today. Everyone is holed up inside as we move toward the second week of this heat wave. The red flag warnings have been extended through Wednesday. Despite this, there were apparently hundreds of calls to the police and fire department on Thursday with complaints about illegal fireworks and reports of fires ignited by them. The police say they can't respond unless the perpetrators are caught in the act, which when you think about it makes no sense. 

On the other hand, a man was arrested for starting a fire with sparks from his weed whacker....We have been ordered to cut tall grass but the window for doing that has closed. My perception is that most people have complied, but I can think of several places around town where the weeds on city or county property are as tall as I am....

Jim fixed our Peacock TV app.I was definitely on the right track, surmising that I had used my name when John's email were already in place when I signed up on the TV itself. I did it right when I went to the computer but hadn't signed out of the one that didn't work. They did say it was an invalid password.

Now we're going to binge watch the first week of the Tour de France....

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