
By Yvonnedailypic

It seems that you can get wetter than wet

At 8 am I considered sunglasses for parkrun. At 9 am - the heavens opened. 'You can't get wetter than wet', I thought, 'till I reached the woods. It was like a mud race - slip sliding and splashing through. Then, the turn from Bridnoth! A very strong wind pelted the rain in our faces. Then clear up ... lots of lovely helpers - but all wet through and some cold to the bones. A real challenge of a parkrun! Looking forward to next week though.

A glutton for punishment,  this afternoon I went out with the Gig rowers in torrential rain to return the gig to the pontoon. We all wore our life jackets and rowed hard to get the boat home and covered ASAP. Another set of saturated clothes. I shall soon be running out.

Too wet to take my phone out today, so my blip is of Frank Turner playing in Cleethorpes.  C and D are big fans so went. They had a fantastic view from the front. 

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