
By hazelh

A fresh start

Last night I fell asleep immediately after hearing the results of the exit poll. We kept the radio on all night, but I didn't start listening again until about 5:00am. Overall I am pleased with the outcome, although I find the creep of Reform UK rather disturbing.

The gym was very quiet this morning. I suspect that many club members expected to stay up late last night and so dismissed any thoughts of exercise today. 

My visit to the gym was marred by another series of hiccups at my mother's house. I could tell that something was awry when my Garmin 'buzzed' (on silent) repeatedly during my pilates class. Once again, our not-so-little sister was at the centre of the trouble - this time with the cleaners. My middle sister decided that the only way to resolve the problem was to return to the house in person with her husband. They set off south from Holy Island at lunchtime. I offered to go too, but my middle sister assured me that my help is not required this time around. I am anxiously awaiting an update on their visit.

This evening we are expecting Jon for supper and a couple of games of Catan. I now need to go and get on with preparing the former...

I found the red rose for my blip on a slightly extended route home from the gym this morning.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; pilates class; swim (30 lengths); walking (12,120 steps).

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