
By hazelh

Loch Leven by bike

My middle sister kindly offered to keep Mummy hazelh company so that Mr hazelh and I could have a day out today. Soon after my sister arrived by train from Berwick, Mr hazelh and I set off for Loch Leven.

Apart from a ten minute downpour, the weather was fine for our bike loop around the loch. It was lovely to pedal over a variety of mainly flat terrains from track to tarmac, through/beside different types of vegetation such as woodland, arable, and reedbeds. The high wind was useful for banishing the rain, if a bit challenging in places. I have blipped a view of the loch from along the route.

We ended our time at Loch Leven with lunch at the RSPB café. On our way home we called into New Hopetoun Gardens for coffee/tea and to pick up a few plants, then at Homebase in Craigleith for further garden supplies.

Mummy hazelh enjoyed my middle sister's company for the day. From her chair, she watched Wimbledon (on catch-up this morning, then live this afternoon). Meanwhile on the sofa my middle sister worked on Mummy hazelh admin, a job that we split between the pair of us.

The best news of the day is that Mummy hazelh's house has finally been cleared and is ready for the arrival of the team that will give it a deep clean tomorrow.  

It sounds like the clearance staff have been a great help to my not-so-little sister. They repacked the seemingly full garage to make room to store the last of her possessions from the house. There is also now plenty of space for her to sort these out over the coming weeks. (The new owner of Mummy hazelh's house has kindly allowed her to use the garage for this purpose. It's just as well that he did because that she could not have possibly fitted her possessions directly into her flat in Newcastle.)

Exercise today: 12.5 mile bike ride; walking (19,037 steps). 

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