
By hazelh

Eyeing the private view

Jackie came to look after Mummy hazelh this evening. This gave us the opportunity to go to the private view of the summer exhibition by the Neuk Collective, and then out for dinner at L'escargot bleu to celebrate (belatedly) our wedding anniversary. The exhibit that I have blipped is the work of our friend Tzipporah Johnston.

I was really happy to spend a 'normal' Wednesday morning, mainly at the gym. My Wednesday routine of one hour on the exercise bike at home, walk to the gym, aquafit, short swim, strength training and walk home again has been broken in recent weeks. This is due to neck/shoulder injury, holiday, Covid, and house clearance duties.

As for the latter, there was more trauma today. Thankfully it looks like my middle sister managed to sort it out from afar.

Exercise today: one hour on the exercise bike; aquafit class; swim (10 lengths); strength training; walking (22,399 steps).

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