Strawberry crop

These strawberries are the first of our 2023 crop, and were delicious when we shared them this afternoon.

Jerry and his friend John left us at 10:00am to walk up to Waverley for the train service north to the Highlands. Tonight they are staying in Inverness. Tomorrow they will pick up a boat for a return trip down the Caledonian canal to Fort William.

Mr hazelh and I continued our Monday in the usual manner. We both exercised (he at home and I at my gym), we put on two loads of washing and hung it out to dry, planned our meals for the rest of the week, and bought groceries at LIDL and Tesco. I also recorded some lines for Mr hazelh's latest play, which he is now busy editing. Throughout the day, we ensured that Mummy hazelh was fed, watered, and entertained by the tennis at Wimbledon.

Once again I slept poorly last night so this evening I am heading to bed early with my book. Mr hazelh and Mummy hazelh will watch television together.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; swimming (60 lengths); walking (15,689 steps).

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