
By tridral

Stopiwch ac aroglwch y rhosod

Stopiwch ac aroglwch y rhosod  ~ Stop and smell the roses

“Photographs had the advantage of uniting two contradictory features. Their credentials of objectivity were inbuilt. Yet they always had, necessarily, a point of view.”
― Susan Sontagtd {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}
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Rydw i wedi bod yn cael trafferth gyda phroblem gyfrifiadurol ac yn gweithio ar yr ymyl fy nealltwriaeth.

Weithiau mae rhaid i chi yn mynd allan am dro am sbel. Nid yw bob amser datrys y broblem, ond weithiau mae angen seibiant arnoch chi. Dych chi'n gallu dychwel i'r broblem gyda mwy o egni.

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I've been struggling with a computer problem and working at the edge of my understanding.

Sometimes you have to go out for a walk for a while. It doesn't always solve the problem, but sometimes you need a break. You can return to the problem with more energy.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Rhosod yn yr ardd
Description (English): Roses in the garden

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