
By tridral

Does dim Selfie mewn Bwdhaeth

Does dim Selfie mewn Bwdhaeth ~ There is no Selfie in Buddhism

“A selfie has more face and fewer feelings.”
― Amit Kalantri, (Wealth of Words)

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Dydd Iau wedi dod ein diwrnod allan. Heddiw aethon ni i'r arddangos 'Hunlun' yn yr amgueddfa yn y dre. Roedden ni diddordeb i weld y llun gan Van Gogh, yn ogystal â hunan bortreadau eraill. Roedd yr arddangos yn fach - roedden ni wedi disgwyl mwy. Roeddwn i wedi disgwyl hefyd mwy o drafodaeth o syniad y 'Selfie' mewn cyferbyniad â'r hanesyddol hunan bortreadau . Ydyn nhw'r un peth neu bethau gwahanol? Mewn gwirionedd yr holl weithiau oedd hunanbortreadau artistig. Doedd dim enghreifftiau o'r fasiwn modern o bobl yn tynnu lluniau o’u hunan. Gallech chi'n dweud bod y teitl 'Hunlun' dim ond ffordd i ddenu cynulleidfa iau. Gallai hyd yn oed fod yn syniad da..

Dydw i ddim yn hoffi'r gair 'Selfie' beth bynnag. Rydw i'n eithaf hen-ffasiwn am eiriau. Mae'r gair 'Selfie' yn swnio tipyn bach yn 'rhad' i mi. Basai'r geiriau 'hunan portread' yn cael dyheadau uwch. Ar law arall, y gair 'Hunlun' ydy gwaith o athrylith (Ond rydw i'n rhagfarnllyd). 'Hunan' yn Gymraeg, ydy 'Self' a 'Llun' (sy'n newid i 'lun') ydy 'Picture'. Felly yn Gymraeg (fel arfer) mae'r gair yn gwneud o ddau air arall sy'n egluro'r ystyr.

Tra rydw i'n ysgrifennu am 'Hunlun', mae rhaid i mi ychwanegu, does dim 'Hun' yn Fwdhaeth. Does dim 'Hun' neu 'Enaid' yn ddigyfnewid a parhaol. Rydyn ni'n ddim ond bag o gydrannau sy'n newid. Does dim un peth amdanon ni sy'n dal heb newid dros amser. Felly does dim byd y gallwn ni ei alw'r 'Hunan'. Syniad arall i'r amgueddfa efallai. Hunan portreadau - newidiadau dros amser.

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Thursday has become our day out. Today we went to the 'Selfie' exhibition at the museum in town. We were interested to see the picture by Van Gogh, as well as other self portraits. The display was small - we had expected more. I had also expected more discussion of the idea of ​​the 'Selfie' in contrast to the historical self-portraits. Are they the same or different things? In fact all the works were artistic self-portraits. There were no examples of the modern fashion of people taking pictures of themselves. You could say that the title 'Selfie' is just a way to attract a younger audience. It might even be a good idea.

I don't like the word 'Selfie' anyway. I'm quite old-fashioned about words. The word 'Selfie' sounds a bit 'cheap' to me. The words 'self portrait' would have higher aspirations. On the other hand, the word 'Hunlun' is a work of genius (But I'm biased). 'Hunan' in Welsh is 'Self' and 'Llun' (which changes to 'lun') is 'Picture'. So in Welsh (as usual) the word is made up of two other words that explain the meaning.

While I am writing about 'Self', I must add, there is no 'Self' in Buddhism. There is no 'Self' or 'Soul' that is unchanging and permanent. We are just a bag of changing components. There is not a single thing about us that remains unchanged over time. So there is nothing we can call the 'Self'. Another idea for the museum perhaps. Self portraits - changes over time.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golwg Uniongyrchol I (1997) - Siani Rhys James - Amgueddfa Genedlaethol
Description (English): Direct Gaze I - Siani Rhys James - National Museum

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