Golygfa haf

Golygfa haf ~ Summer scene

In the simplest terms, observation is the ability to see in the present — but I believe its meaning is twofold. It is a way to both survey a scene and hone in on its magic, the minute elements that catch your eye. As a photographer, this type of observation is what allows you to understand the beauty of a space, explore it, and, ultimately, expose it for what it is.”
― Andrew Paynter

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Mae'r siop cigyddion yn addurno ei ffenestr gyda golygfeydd tymhorol. Rydw i'n meddwl ei fod e'n braf cynnig rhywbeth fel hyn er mwynhad i'r bobl sy'n mynd heibio.

Roedd rhaid i mi fynd - yn fyr - i'r pentref heddiw ond roedden ni'n dal yn ffeindio'r amser i wneud tipyn bach o waith yn yr ardd. Yn gobeithio byddwn ni'n dal i fyny gyda'r twf di-baid y planhigion.

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The butcher's shop decorates its window with seasonal scenes. I think it's nice to offer something like this for the enjoyment of people passing by.

I had to go - briefly - to the village today but we still found the time to do a little bit of work in the garden. Hopefully we will catch up with the incessant growth of the plants.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golygfa haf mewn ffenestr siop
Description (English): A summer scene in a shop window

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