
By KatesGardenPDX

Another Class Done

Oof...the class I teach is a long one - 5 hours. And those of you that have taught know that you have to be "on" for however long you're in front of the class. Fortunately it's a fabulous group of students. They range in age from mid-20's to mid-60's - a wide range of experience too. I think that 4 of them are in the landscape technology department, where I teach. Anyway, I think it will develop into a really tight knit group that will have a lot of fun together! Meanwhile, I'm pooped! I'm ready for a good night's sleep and a quiet day tomorrow. 

I have a couple of cyclamen in pots that seem to be happy growing year round. Here's one! The macro series continues. Although I've got a quiet week so I think I'll take out my Canon and the macro lens and see what I can see!

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