
By KatesGardenPDX

Murky and Humid

The humidity is odd for Portland. Even though we get a lot of rain in the winter, the dew point is low so it never really feels humid. Today, ugh, humid. 

This morning I decided that I really needed to plant a Crape Myrtle that I'd purchased a couple of weeks ago for a spot off my back deck. Of course that meant digging a hole, which normally wouldn't be a problem. But with a pinched nerve in my lower back, well...I had the strength, but knew the pain would come, and it did. Ugh again. The sooner I can get this lingering pain taken care of the better. I've got all the proverbial ducks lined up, so it shouldn't be too long now. Anyway, the Crape Myrtle looks fabulous! 

Meanwhile, there were a ton of bees on the plants in the containers on the deck - Cat Mint and Lavender were big hits. So I grabbed my iPhone macro lens and got a pretty good bee shot!

I spent the rest of the day working on my class for tomorrow. This week we're studying Mint Family (Lamiaceae) plants.

Thanks so much for your kind words about MrWK's departure. Last night's date was interesting - nice guy, wicked smart, as we'd say in New England, thoughtful and kind of humorous in a nerdy way. We had a really nice time which stretched from a glass of wine at 4:30 to dinner and finally home by 9! We've agreed to see each other again, so we'll see!

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